Bishop James Dixon: Embracing Social Change in Houston

Bishop James Dixon: Embracing Social Change in Houston

Bishop James Dixon and the family at James Dixon Ministries, are doing everything in our power to put the safety and health of our members at the top of our priorities. In the last few weeks, we have heard more and more about the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. This highly contagious virus has made its way from overseas, into our country, and now, into Houston, TX. In efforts to minimize the spread of this virus, our communities have been utilizing practices of social distancing. This means limiting social gatherings and keeping crowds as small as possible. Bishop James Dixon is strongly urging all members to embrace social change in Houston at this time and to find new ways to connect with our communities.


With this, comes a change in how we gather. At James Dixon Ministries, we have a large congregation and clergy that we are dedicated to keeping safe. Following the guidelines our leaders and health officials have put into place, we have made the difficult decision to limit our public ministry services at this time. We will not be gathering at our church to worship, but are working to ensure we will find a way that allows us to reach our members in their home. We will continue to explore other methods in which we can connect and spread the word and love of Jesus.


We encourage every one of our members to stay home and embrace the social changes put into place at this current time. This means, avoiding all unnecessary social gatherings, in order to limit your risk factors. At James Dixon Ministries, we understand this is an emotionally, socially, and economically difficult time for many of our members. Our prayers are with you, our community, and the world. We urge you to find new ways to socialize, such as:


    Call Your Family: Most of us are spending more time at home during this pandemic. Take the time to call your neighbors, friends, and family to see how they are doing in this difficult and unsure climate. Not only those who become ill with the Coronavirus will be impacted by this illness. Open up and share how you are feeling with those you are close to as well. If you are struggling, contact fellow members of the church to find solutions for your needs.


Reach Out Online: Use your social media account to be a light of hope. Share your faith and lead others with your love for Christ during this difficult time. The stronger you are in your faith the better you can serve those you know.


Pray: Continue praying for your family, friend, community, and the world. Many people are in need of your prayer and love. We urge you to spend more time focusing your prayers on those who have been affected by this virus.


James Dixon Ministries cares for you and your family. We look forward to resuming regular ministry gatherings as soon as we can. God bless you and your family.